
The dynamics have changed.

What used to feel easy and comfortable now feels complicated and thorny. Anger flares quickly, and feelings get hurt. Nothing you say seems to make things better.

Miscommunication and misunderstandings make talking about even the most minor things difficult. Respect and trust are diminishing, and resentment is building.

Feelings of being undervalued or unimportant come up too frequently. Real connection happens less often, and the distance continues to grow no matter what you do.

You’re not sure how things got to this point, but you need things to be different. You’re ready to change the pattern but unsure if you can do it yourself. Can therapy be effective for a relationship if you do it alone?

1652623327The answer is YES!

Relationships can respond positively when one person makes a change. Healthy interactions can benefit committed relationships, friendships, and work relationships.

The power to change is in YOU. In our work together, we will create new patterns of relating. You will learn to communicate your needs and establish boundaries more confidently and effectively. I will help you become a better listener, helping those close to you feel more heard and understood. We will focus on you learning to feel more comfortable dealing with both your own emotions and those of others.

During our work together, we will explore past experiences that impact how you show up in relationships, healing the wounds that made you feel less-than. We will build your self-esteem, helping you feel more self-assured. We will foster all the things that open doors to creating genuine, authentic, and fulfilling relationships.

Don’t wait any longer! Maintaining positive relationships is essential to your well-being. Reach out today, and let’s develop a strategy to regain the positive relationships crucial to your life.