Healing Trauma

2300525301Ben* was always on high alert.

For Ben, the traumatic event occurred suddenly and out of the blue. It was scary and made him feel helpless.

Although Ben survived the event, so many things changed.

It was hard for him to feel safe in certain situations, so he became watchful and ready to react. His mind went over and over what happened despite his efforts to forget. His sleep was disrupted by nightmares, making him constantly on edge.

Ben wished he could let go of all this tension in his body, but it seemed impossible to relax.

Penny* felt wounded.

Penny’s experience was like a bad dream that seemed impossible to wake up from. She felt like she had been in a terrible situation with no end in sight. It scarred her and left its mark.

Penny had figured out how to bear the unbearable, and eventually, things changed. But she still felt guilty that she couldn’t do more to change things and embarrassed that she let someone treat her like that for so long.

She thought, “Maybe I didn’t deserve any better.” Even if she did, she didn’t trust that others wouldn’t be hurtful, too.

The lack of trust made Penny pull back from everyone.

1982754287Ben and Penny both experienced traumas.

Some traumas are sudden and impactful; other types of traumas are more persistent and wearing.

All trauma leaves wounds that need healing. If they haven’t healed, we are left gritting our teeth and pushing through, feeling inadequate and unsure, wondering why we keep overreacting or underreacting. In short, we feel frayed around the edges.

It may seem counterintuitive to talk about the things you’ve worked so hard to leave behind, but facing them in a safe and measured way can remove their power over you.

I create that safe space for you.

We can facilitate your healing using proven methods such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Parts Work, and Accelerated Resolution Therapy. You dictate the pace, and we will proceed with each step as you feel ready.

Ben had difficulty being open about his experience and appreciated that I would give him the time to build trust in me. Penny was pleased to learn that she could ask to use a specific method in our session when she felt it would be the most helpful to her. Both went from a survival mode to a thriving mode, empowered to enjoy their lives more fully.

If you are ready to break free from the grasp that trauma has had on your mind, body, and spirit, give me a call and start on your path to thriving.

*These are fictitious names and scenarios used only to illustrate real-life situations.