Grief and Loss

1603375150Loss can feel emotionally overwhelming.

No one could have prepared you for this; now, you’re experiencing a new reality.

You’ve lost someone or something important. It could be a loved one, a pet, a relationship, a job, an opportunity, or a lifestyle.

And you’re not sure how you feel.

Sometimes, you think you’ll be okay; at other times, you feel overwhelmed, disconnected, and uncertain of what comes next.

Grief is more than sadness.

Grief is how we react to loss. When we lose something or someone important to us, we can feel all sorts of emotions, including anger, hurt, loneliness, panic, and even relief.

We also experience physical symptoms like sleep disruption and decreased appetite. Brain fog and difficulty concentrating or making decisions can occur. Grief can feel like a heaviness in the body, making moving forward challenging.

Everyone experiences grief, but we each grieve in our own way. It’s helpful to have someone who sees your grief for what it is without expecting you to ‘just move on.’

It’s not easy to process the grief you feel without help. Therapy can help you learn how to work through your loss. With a therapist, you will receive compassionate support as you mourn, and you’ll find your way to acceptance and peace.

2490704635Let me provide the support you need.

I have a wealth of experience helping people through grief.

Our work together might include discussing the nature of grief and some of its stages. We may take a moment to honor, remember, and celebrate. We may talk about unfinished business.

In our conversations, we’ll explore ways to find meaning and reconnect with your purpose. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling like yourself again. You’ll think back and find yourself smiling, maybe with a bit of sadness but not with a flood of tears.

You’ll feel more able to enjoy the present and, perhaps surprisingly, even be eager to see what the future holds.

Reach out today. Let me help you begin to heal.