Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

1770073259Feeling trapped in the past makes moving forward difficult.

You have spent too long trying to overcome what seems impossible. You keep pushing through and moving forward, but thoughts of that place and time you’d like to forget keep dragging you back.

Unwanted images flash into your mind, and unpleasant sensations get unexpectedly triggered.

Thoughts from the past suddenly start your heart racing. As hard as you try and as well as you’ve done, your healing isn’t quite complete.

Maybe it’s time to experience the ART of Change.

What is ART?

Accelerated Resolution Therapy differs from traditional talk therapy and offers precisely what its name promises: rapid relief. Using back-and-forth eye movements, we tap into the wisdom held in your brain to resolve the things that have kept you stuck.

ART improves mental well-being by changing how the brain stores troubling memories. Thinking back on frightening, sad, or confusing memories can bring up uncomfortable physical sensations and emotions.

By altering the images, we can change the sensations.

2456387633What does an ART session look like?

During an ART session, I will guide your eyes back and forth, just like what happens when you dream. Throughout this experience, you are fully conscious, alert, and in control. Eye movements help soothe your body and allow the brain to focus on troubling memories.

Once your brain accesses the memory, it can update or edit the images linked to it. This process is called voluntary image replacement.

When the memory becomes processed in a less distressing way, the sensations in your body become more comfortable. Then, your brain stores the updated memory back in a way that you direct. This process is called memory reconsolidation.

Is ART like hypnosis?

No. ART involves a process that your brain naturally goes through when you dream and whenever you recall a memory. ART accesses this process, helping your brain do the work it already knows how to do.

This process does not require you to talk in-depth about your experience. You can share as much or as little as you like.

Let’s get you started!

You’ve carried this load for much longer than you’d like.

You can get the healing and relief you’ve longed for in just a few sessions.

Reach out now for your free consultation. I’ll answer any questions you may have and schedule your first appointment.