One Small Change Can Make All the Difference

Therapy Helping Individuals Create
Better Lives for Themselves

Based in Gilbert and Available Online
throughout Arizona and Virginia


Josie felt indescribably sad. As soon as she woke up every morning, a wave of grief washed over her. She’d lost the one person who meant everything to her – now, what was she supposed to do? How could she possibly go on? She appreciated her friends’ and family’s efforts to help her feel better. Still, nothing could even momentarily take away her aching emptiness or ease the pain in her body and soul.


Sam was irritable and overwhelmed. It felt like she was always fighting. Sometimes, it was an actual argument, but mostly, it was the inner battle to keep it all together. Little things set her off; if she wasn’t lashing out in anger, she was shutting down. There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to stop the shame and guilt that gnawed at her. She wondered if she could ever escape survival mode. The best she could do for now was paste a smile on her face and pretend everything was fine.


Ed was tired of arguing. He loved his wife and couldn’t imagine losing her, but somehow it seemed she was slipping away. They didn’t connect the way they used to, the way he longed to. They were always at odds, eliciting more hurt than love in each other. He didn’t know precisely how or when they began drifting apart, but he was scared that they might not find their way back to each other. What he did know was that he needed to turn things around before it was too late.

*These are fictitious names and scenarios used only to illustrate real-life situations.

Find the Change
You’re Looking For

Whether life has thrown you a curveball and upended everything…

Or you feel stuck in place and need help making progress…

Therapy can empower you to navigate these challenges in ways that transform your life for the better.

Hi, I’m


I’m here to help. I’ll join you on your journey through change with compassion, understanding, and nonjudgmental support. 

From our first interaction, I’ll validate and honor what makes you YOU and tailor a treatment plan to your unique strengths and needs.

Drawing on your expertise in your situation and my experience helping others like you, we’ll collaborate to help you let go of the hurt you’re carrying and change the behaviors that have kept you stuck.

We’ll explore and embrace new strengths and strategies to move you closer to the life you deserve. Together, we’ll celebrate each success along the way!


Renewal of Hope

Josie felt completely engulfed by grief when she reached out to me. In our work together, she learned about the grief process and realized her experience was completely normal. She also discovered there is a way through it. Step by step, she was able to process the feelings surrounding her loss, making room for the peace and acceptance she was relieved to find.


Relieved to Let Go

Sam scheduled her first appointment with me, still skeptical that I could help. Her doubt turned to relief when she learned of my expertise in trauma-informed care. Things didn’t change overnight, but they definitely changed for the better. She could let go of her shame and no longer felt she had to hide behind a mask. As her confidence grew, she soon realized she liked herself and was proud of how far she’d come.


A Deeper Connection

Ed called for a consultation but was unsure if it was possible to improve his relationship without doing couples counseling. He was encouraged to hear that I could help him communicate more effectively with his wife. Through our work, he became better at hearing what his wife was REALLY saying to him and responding lovingly and supportively. Ed was thrilled to see that the changes he’d made created a path back to a happier and more fulfilling connection with his wife.

What I Offer

Online Therapy
for Adults

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Accelerated Resolution

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Change your life for the better.

Josie, Sam, and Ed each decided to seek help, and it made all the difference.

Let me help you, too!

Don’t wait a moment longer. 

Make the one small decision to contact me and start today!